Monday, April 02, 2007

More FreeBSD stuff

First off I wanted to configure my system to use the bash shell. I managed to do that in the last post. Having bash running I wanted to configure it with a bunch of aliases. I found the .profile file controls the text mode shell. Whereas the .bashrc file controls the shell in graphics mode. I have not found where I can set up the aliases for ssh. There are sample files on the net. If they are too hard to find then check out the link to Call-A.P.P.L.E. and take a look at the March or April issue. Do NOT use the .bash_profile file!

The other thing I wanted to do was to configure the sound to work with KDE. The quickest way to do so with the generic kernel under FreeBSD 6.X is to add the following line to the /boot/loader.conf file...


The next time the system reboots the appropriate files will be created and the sound will work. This may be an inelegant solution. If there is a better one, write me at Call-A.P.P.L.E.. It may take a while, but I'll eventually get the message.