Friday, January 06, 2006

Got a G3 a couple of days ago

I'm setting it up as a server. It's fast enough to act as a backup workstation, but that's not what I need at the moment.

The machine is running OS X 10.2. System 9.2 runs really well but I don't know where to find server software for that OS. So, OS X is it for the moment.

I've found where some of the more interesting settings and utilities are located. Apple does insist on using different names for everything. ;-)

If I can get a complete day to myself where I'm not stressed out (these are becoming fewer), I should be able to get a few things going. I suspect it should be fairly easy to set up a server. I've already done it on a Linux PC and I hope the knowledge will transfer. If it works I might be able to start a business where I can sell used Macs as "drop in" servers.


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