Friday, December 16, 2005

VMWare player updated

Since this is the first post here on VMWare I think a bit of background is in order. VMWare is a program which lets the user run a number of virtual machines (the "VM" part of the name) on a single PC. The program is not cheap, but they do have a free 30 day trial. There are versions for M$, Linux/BSD, and Solaris. The user installs what ever operating system they want in a newly created virtual machine. Because it is running a guest operating system within a host operating system, it's best not to use a lightweight or older computer. Most computers within the last three years should be fine if they have enough RAM and hard drive space.

VMWare has decided to split off the player module and make it free to the public. They also have a number of free virtual machines the public can download (I'd like them to put up a BSD). Virtual machines created with the 30 day trial (at least the one I used a while ago) are compatable with the player. I have an older copy of Windows in a VM (yes I am a registered owner of Windows - the shame of it all). The effect of the last update was to improve the speed and sound. With another application running under my host operating system (FC 2), games and other applications are not as choppy as they were before the update.

The player can be found at the following link.


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